Build Times= 1/31- 2/6


After finishing week three of build season we have two more week to build and test the robot for perfection. We need all possible designers, engineers, programmers on deck to make this happen. Please view the schedule for this week, The end or finishing time on weekends may vary depending on how much work we have to do that day.

Monday – Friday = 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Saturday= 10:00 am – 5:00 (End Time May Very)

Sunday = 1:00 pm – 5:00 (End Time May Very)

There will also be a marketing meeting at South Central in Mrs. McClungs Room at 6:00 pm. please check in with Craig or Courtney on the exact timing.  They will be discussing the PITT layout and items to give out, all marketing members should plan to attend.