Heart Walk This Saturday – 10/.20

Bill McClungGeneral

Here is the information about the Heart walk. Please contact us (email, phone, text) if you have questions.

Be sure to share this link with folks. Go here, hit “Donate Now” and help the American Heart Association and the CABG patch kids.  http://heartwalk.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=1002331&lis=1&kntae1002331=A6F5E28DADFB467497CFC44265F44BEE&supId=364669941

Be at Greensprings park in Greenville no later than 8:30. Wear last years team shirt or if you don’t have one try to wear a green or black shirt. Wear comfortable walking shoes. If you have pirate hats, bandanas etc… wear them. We want everyone there to know who we are.

Booth workers: Dasola Olanrewaju, Samantha Williams, Adam Schmidt, Kyle Schmidt, Gabe Gomez, Sunny Lee.

Walkers: Kennedy Hughes, Kobe Guy, Allison Adams, Zack Matis, Bradley Baker, Michael Staffelbach, Serena Mooney, Jean Thomas, Quichawna Bryant, Tyrique Bryant, Lucas Gresham.

If you are coming and don’t see your name on the list let us know if you are walking or in the booth.