Great Robot Reveal Yesterday – Here’s the Next Plan!

Bill McClungGeneral

Great Robot Reveal yesterday! We had a lot of folks there to see us. I was really glad to bring in the Green Turtle Gears to share about FLL.
I hope we can include more groups into our Reveal in the future. That was a great idea to have them join us.

NOW… Here is the plan going forward. We WILL NOT have a regular meeting Monday night and Tuesday night this week. Drive team and Pit Crew will be testing and putting the final touches on the robot before it bags on Tuesday. We will meet on a reduced schedule between now and competition to prepare. There are also a bunch of ROBOX events coming up and I need to know if people want to help with those. We still have to assemble the Pit, clean the shop, and prepare for competition!

There is still lots to do!

Make sure you have your travel money in to Mrs. McClung for these FIRST Competition Dates:
Raleigh March 13-15
D.C. March 27-29

The next meeting dates will go out later today.

Thanks for all your hard work!