Pitt County Robotics Funding New FIRST Teams

Allison WasklewiczGeneral, Grants

Pitt County Robotics is excited to announce over $20,000 in total grant funding aimed to encourage participation in FIRST by new teams located in Pitt County/Eastern North Carolina. Grants will be awarded to 8 FLL teams, 2 FTC teams and 1 FRC team.  FLL teams will each receive an EV3 robot core set, an EV3 expansion kit, EV3 software, a laptop, a competition table and FLL national registration. FTC teams will receive $3,000 each and the FRC team will receive $6,000.

Pitt County Robotics believes in the FIRST Core Values and the amazing opportunities that FIRST presents to students. Our commitment to growing teams and participation in FIRST programs in Pitt County/Eastern North Carolina not only helps strengthen our team but also our community by producing students that have improved problem solving skills, increased time management skills, strengthened communication skills, and are two times as likely to major in science or engineering.

Please visit our webpage, Grants, to learn more about the grants and to download the grant applications. FLL team grants are due May 1, 2017.