2019 Build Season – Week 1

Anna Below#FirstLikeAGirl, Build Season, General


Engineering, Design, and Safety have combined to create collaborative mini groups working on each of the game elements. It takes a group of multidisciplinary Pirates to build an Arrgh-mazing robot! 

All systems are a go here in the Pitt Pirates' shop!

The team has been in the shop everyday sketching designs, putting them into CAD, going over basic safety, and building field elements. The Design and Engineering team members have been working hard together to get robot parts designed . Safety has been giving talks about PPE while marketing has been taking pictures and designing posters for the shop. Programming has begun to code for our trip into Deep Space!

Martha, Engineer and Abigail, Designer are working in a small group to work on a specific part of the robot and said "When you draw out your plan, it's the window into someone else's head like what their plans are, you might not be able to envision it until they draw it out on a piece of paper and then you can work on it together."

The Safety Squad worked on educating the team on the importance of PPE. Next week, Fire Safety!

And the Marketing team hit the ground running on their marketing plan for the season. They have so many creative ideas! Be on the lookout! Since they had so much fun participating in the #blackandwhitechallenge, they decided to keep posting black and white pictures throughout the season. There was something quiet and observant about them. They call the new series #deepspaceinblackandwhite. Follow us on Instagram or Facebook to see the season though our lens. Thank you to The Joker for sending us the original invite to participate in the #blackandwhitechallenge.
