2020 Build Season – Week 3

Kailee Grubbs#FirstLikeAGirl, Build Season, General


The end of week three has brought us halfway through the build season and we are feeling the heat! Ironically, the beginning of the week was fairly chill. But 40-degree weather didn’t deter us! Thick coats and beanies became commonplace in the shop until a loud and constant rattling signified that the heater was finally working Thursday. Thank you, Ms. Ann! 

On Monday, we celebrated the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday with a Day of Service project. Pirates gathered in the crisp morning air to clean up litter in the ECU/Elm Street Park area. After gathering at the entrance of Greenway, we split up in two groups to cover more area. Despite the stigma of cleaning, students had lots of fun, in no small part due to interesting finds such as a three-legged chair and an entire toilet. 


The following evening, Pitt County Schools' school board member, Caroline Doherty, stopped by the shop to drop off water bottles for our new team members and to catch up on how our season was going thus far.  It was a delight to watch our students explain their strategy for this season and to show her their prototypes. Mrs. Doherty's daughter is a Pitt Pirates alumna and was our Safety captain so Mrs. Doherty had a keen interest in our new safety initiatives. Thank you, Mrs. Doherty and Pitt County Schools for your continued support of robotics in Pitt County!

Wednesday marked the 30% review for the Engineering Team.  A final shooter prototype was chosen to become a model for the robot design. Team members gathered to watch power cells zoom across the shop as the prototypes were tested earlier in the week. Ready, aim, fire, SCORE!!!

The Safety team has been working hard on our Safety Binder, which documents all of our safety initiatives. As well as continuing our Chairman’s essay, Marketing has spent the week preparing our new project that we plan to debut in the next couple of weeks.

On Saturday, the team watched our Safety and Digital Animation video submissions created by Anna Below, the 2642 Marketing Captain and 3rd year Pirate. Thank you, Anna, for your time and creativity you put into these awesome videos! This is the first in our team's history where we submitted works for both projects. Hats off to Anna for leading these initiatives and to the entire team for helping with storyboarding and voice talent! 

Now that we are in the second half of our build season, a new sense of urgency is propelling us toward the finish line. We are thrilled at our successes so far, and the weeks ahead promise more progress. Keep on the lookout for future updates!

PS. Our robot reveal will take place Monday, February 17th! More info to follow!
